Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My evil plan revealed.

So what is this "experiment" that I'm planning?

I love behind the scenes material, and production diaries, just the whole how films are made. I find it interesting seeing the way different people work with animation in Flash. This is what I plan on using this blog for, keeping track of my production of Platypus & Beaver, with screen shots of how I work.

The other reason I'm doing this all out in the open and online like this is, I'm hoping that if I have stuff posted and out in the wild it will keep me motivated to finish.

My plan is to do everything in Flash. With the exception of final composition, this most likely will be in either QuickTime or iMovie. The other thing that will not to be done in Flash is the sound which I plan to do in GarageBand. I've also imposed boundary's for myself to try and keep the shorts under one minute in length. If all goes well then there will be more Platypus & Beaver. I have lots of ideas bouncing around inside of my head.

First things first. Here's a picture of Platypus & Beaver.

I don't have any model sheets completed. Mostly because I'm the only one working on P&B so quality control is easy to manage.

Up next, the Storyboard and Animatic process.

Stay Tuned


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